Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Final Thoughts and Reflections

Final Thoughts and Reflections
This class has been a great experience. When I registered for this course I had no idea I would be blogging or creating brochures and lesson plans. I was disappointed that I was unable to execute my Strategy Presentation. I felt that it would have been a great experience to see how my target audience responds to the presentation. The subject of bullying has been very dear to me. In the recent news, there have been reports of elementary and middle school kids committing suicide because of bullying. Also, it is the technological age and cyber-bullying has run ramped in the young community. I found that just telling a teacher is not always the answer. So I decided to take a stand and reach out to the students. The overall goal is to help students understand the effects of bullying and have them look out for each other. The lesson plan and strategy presentation are designed to jump start their knowledge of the effects of bullying and the paradigm. The lesson plan went over the bullying paradigm and the strategy presentation was an overall introduction to bullying, going over the effects and different forms.
Blogging has been a great experience! I have read blogs in the past and never truly understood their function. Since this course I have developed other blogs. My “Stand Up Against Bullying” blog has been a great way to voice my health topic. Compared other strategies I felt that blogging was enriching and a great way to reach out to my fellow classmates. 


  1. Loan,
    I have enjoyed reading your posts. Bullying can happen anywhere and to anyone. I have learned so much more about bullying and cyber-bulling among children and adults and the need to help people understand the effects of bullying.

    Thank you so much for your blogs on bullying!

  2. Loan,
    I feel like you... I never really understood blogging until I took this course. I feel bullying and mental health go hand-and-hand and you made great use of this bog experience by addressing this subject.
    Best of luck in your future endeavors,
